Thursday, July 26, 2007

I know it's been a while!

Hi everyone! I guess my excuse for not blogging in a while is that we've been busy. Isn't it funny that we think we have all this time in the world to accomplish so much in our lives?! Since we've last blogged, we have done alot of work on our house. We painted all 3 bedrooms, changed all of the windows on the house, put in a new concrete driveway/patio/sidewalk, and built a double detached garage. The house is definitely coming along! We went on a family trip back in June for 10 days to Vancouver. We stayed with Paul and Cheryl and it was a great time! Julie finished her first year of elementary school. She 'graduated' from kindergarten - hard to believe it! We went camping to St. Malo with my side of the family to celebrate Mom's 50th birthday. We got a new pet - a Campbell dwarf hamster named Dizzle.
And we have another member in our extended family - Marty and Gisele welcomed a baby boy - Benjamin - on July 10th.
Here a few pictures to show the latest in our adventures. Enjoy!

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